Property Management

Property Management

So you bought an investment property and you are asking yourself, is it really worth hiring a Property Manager? Unless you are looking to create a job for yourself, self managing might not be the best option.  But if you are looking to build real wealth, and create passive income, then property management is absolutely your best choice.

Over the past years when a client purchased an investment property, it wasn’t more than 3-6 months later, before we got the call. Do you know a good property manager?  So we decided to solve that problem for our clients. 

Enter in: Shameless plug…  Key City Property Management.

And here are the top reasons, using a property management company like ours, is in your best interest.

  1. Better purchasing experience.  Now, our clients purchasing  their investment properties can work alongside our Property management company to help determine the best properties with room for increasing value. 

  2. Save time.  Managing properties, even one unit, can be a ton of work:

    Determining rental rates

    Get Photos taken

    Create the property listing

    Post the listing to all rental sites

    Respond to all the inquiries

    Schedule showings with tenants

    Show prospective tenants the property

    Preparing the lease

    Tenant screening

    Collecting rent

    Sending out late notices

    Doing preventative maintenance

    Calling contractors

    Coordinating repairs

    Making repairs as needed

    Fielding complaints

    Moderating issues between tenants

    Checking in with tenants at least once a quarter

    Enforcing the lease

    Evicting a tenant when necessary

    Finding new tenants when vacancies occur…. and more.

  3. Save Money.  One of the top things that we see with self managed properties, is that they are leaving a lot of money on the table being under priced, or having sat vacant for ages due to being overpriced.  With an ever changing market, day to day experience is crucial.

  4. Building Wealth.  One of the main focuses of our property management company is asset development.  You want a management company who looks at your portfolio as a business not just a unit to rent.Building Wealth.  One of the main focuses of our property management company is asset development.  You want a management company who looks at your portfolio as a business not just a unit to rent.

If you want to learn more about Property Management in general or our services, give us a call or slide into the DM’s.

Key City: (301) 660-3393