Here at the Rob Krop Team, we offer more than just residential real estate services. We have represented 100's of investors, developers, REITs and business owners in the sale, purchase and leasing of their commercial assets. Whether you are a new investor and owner or have years of experience, our commercial team knows how to help you achieve your goals and create additional value in your assets.

We specialize in Mixed-use, Multifamily, Retail, Office, Farms and historic properties. We have taken what we find successful in the residential marketing arena and adapted it to commercial clientele to get our properties in front of more eyes than the competition. Additionally, we know that a lot of commercial property moves "off-market", and between our connections we have made over the years and our tenacity to get in front of other potential properties, we can help you find what you are looking for, even if it wasn't for sale to begin with.

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