Should I buy in Today's Market?

Should I buy in Today's Market?

The number 1 question right now in real estate is, should I buy right now? Is this a good market to buy? 

With home prices at an all time high, and interest rates out of control, there are enough factors to make this market feel like an unfortunate one.  And if I compare this to a previous market, the negatives only feel heavier.


Markets go up and they go down. At the end of the day there is no perfect market, so unless you have a time machine, you just have the market you are faced with when you are buying your home.

Timing the market is pure luck, so if you can afford to buy and hold onto it long enough, you’ll come out ahead on the other side.

In the DC, Maryland, Virginia market, with historically low inventory, prices are only going to increase. So if you are worried about prices, the longer you wait to buy, you will just be putting yourself further and further away from being able to achieve that dream.